Memeo AutoSync 3.70

Memeo AutoSync 3.70

This program enables you to synchronize between the folders on your computers
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3.70.7979 See all
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Awards (3)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

Memeo AutoSync enables you to synchronize between the folders on your computers, USB keychain drives, hard disks, network drives, and more. With this incredible program you can quickly and easily synchronize your selected files, including the exact number of files and subfolders as well as the content of those files. The application is really easy to use and intuitive, with a wizard-like interface that makes the process incredibly quick and simple.
Once you use the simple 3-step AutoSync Configuration Wizard to create a sync plan which contains a set of rules that determine how a pair of folders will be synchronized, everything is automatically done for you. Whenever you insert your device or reconnect to your network folder, new and updated fields are automatically copied both directions. The entire sync process is automatically bidirectional and symmetrical and the folder will be an exact duplicate of each other after the sync process is finished, so you don’t have to worry about which folders are missing certain files.

SM Senior editor
Silvana Mansilla
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Easy to use
  • Simple and intuitive wizard-like user interface. Great value for its price


  • None

Comments (2)

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I have been using Memeo for ten years with no issues until now. I do not understand what went wrong but without notice Memeo started randomly removing files from my hard drive or one of my external drives. I went into panic mode, removed Memeo and both of my external hard drives. I am a photographer and I lost 785GB from two of my drives. I do not know what went wrong, I am waiting to hear from Memeo...

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I used Memeo Autosync for several years - until I discovered that the program kept deleting random files from my hard drive, including more than 260 MP3 files.

I contacted Memeo support about the problem. They asked for a copy of the log file, but after I sent it, Memeo support become completely unresponsive. I sent several follow up emails, but to no avail. In other words, the company does not provide adequate support.

Deleting random files is a critical problem - and I recommend deactivation of Memeo Autosync if you already have it installed, and that you DO NOT install the program until the company officially guarantees that the bug causing random deletions has been fixed!

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